Marathon pigeons are distinguished by their genetic qualities, we could say they are being gifted with spectacular DNA.
However, as humans are, several elements are essential for good health and extraordinary results.
In terms of pigeon health, the most important aspect is hygiene. Particular attention is paid to cleaning, it is the first mandatory criteria to be respected, first of all to prevent the appearance and development of the various possible diseases in the pigeons, but also for the treatment phases of the diseases encountered among them.
We list below the main diseases faced by pigeon breeders:
Salmonellosis is a contagious disease, with a high risk of spread among pigeons. The danger of spreading this bacterial infectious disease is more common in the cold, autumn-winter season. This is why the salmonella vaccine is included in the vaccination plans required for pigeons.
Pigeon Paramyxovirus is an acute viral infection, commonly found in pigeon farms, which can spread very easily. A mandatory vaccine is given annually against this virus.
Trichomoniasis (also known as Canker), the most common disease in pigeons, occurs especially during the breeding season. In treating the disease, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian who prescribes a medication that is correctly adapted to the severity of the disease, which will help to enforce the pigeon’s immune system.
Respiratory infections often occur in marathon pigeons, which is why keeping the respiratory airways clean is extremely important.
Not in the form of treatment plan, but very important for the success of a marathon pigeon is its nutrition. In addition to corn, millet, wheat, even barley, recognized for the role of gut health after exercise, pigeons need a higher content of proteins and vitamins.
Therefore, in the competitive season, both the food from Beyers and the one from Versele-Laga are preferred, these having the role of replacing the necessary vitamins, phosphorus, calcium in the body, in balanced doses, to increase the performance of the pigeons.
Because there are many products on the market, but also different ways to maintain the health of marathon pigeons, we asked for recommendations even from breeders, and received some treatment schemes that experienced breeders use in their farms:
Ionel Dobre: “For Salmonella, I use Salmo PT from Pharma van der Sluis. For paramyxovirus, I do not use the same vaccine year after year, but I alternate them. I use: Columbi 2, CheVita and Newcavac, and alternate them, each year I use a different one. For the respiratory system and trichomoniasis, I have three treatment schemes that I change from year to year – Ornispecially from Weerd’s Belgium for airways, combined with Spatrix administered for trichomoniasis, then at the next step I replace with Tollisan TKK for trichomoniasis and Broncho Sprint for the airways. ”
Another treatment combination recommended by Ionel Dobre is Trichomonas Cure and Ornithosis Cure for the respiratory system.
“For recovery, I use Med. Tollyamin. It has the role of compensating for the loss of muscle mass and weight in a very fast rhyme. ”The treatment can be used in periods of growth, but also of mating, with extraordinary results. Also for the recovery period, Dobre brothers use product combinations from BelgaVet, and the product mix makes it their own, combining several products with high content of electrolytes, amino acids, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, taken separately and combined for optimal results. The products they use are: Biceptorax BVP 200 gr – pure amino acids, Vita-Peka BVP 1l – complex of many vitamins for a quality plumage, silky, Pro-Biolec BVP 200 gr – especially for intestinal flora.
An antibiotic substitute, Energy Drink BVP 1l – with a high concentration of sugars, it is a very good recovery after racing, Electroliten BVP 400 g – eliminates toxins from the body and helps to rebuild the minerals consumed during the competition stages and Minerals BVP 500ml – used especially for young pigeons also during the mating period. “The recovery treatment becomes more expensive if you buy them separately, but the results are also good,” says Ionel Dobre.
George Vochin: “I take all the pigeons for analysis in the Netherlands, two or even three times a year, and an analysis costs about 25 euros. The only ones you should take are breathing analysis, but I do all the tests regulary. And I take them to the Netherlands because I trust and I am satisfied with their services. I’m sending my pigeons to two doctors, Tollisan and Giantel. Nowadays it is very difficult to have good results, you invest a lot in the pigeons, it is hard to stay up in the top. And with pigeons, it’s just like at the humans, cancers and all kinds of diseases have appeared, and with food it’s the same.”
This way, George Vochin protects their health and ensures that the pigeons are clinically healthy and able to maximize their yield at the next competitive season.
Gheorghe Preda: “I take test, every year, the salmonella, paramyxovirose, smallpox vaccine also for yaoung and mature pigeons, I make them those vaccines during the spring, and for the young pigeons, after giving them the salmonella vaccine three times. , I stop taking that vaccine again.
For recovery, only when they come from the competition I use electrolytes, on the first and second day.
Florin Vartolomei: “I use Tollisan. Three weeks before the first baseline stage, I give my pigeons Tollisan’s Broncho Sprint for respiratory health along with the Tollyamin vitamins (5 days before the first stage). After the first stage, I give them all for 3 days, Broncho Sprint and vitamins. For the next step I give them TKK from Tollisan for trichomoniasis together with the same vitamins from Tollyamin, preventively, also 3 days. The winter treatments begin on December 1st, the first one is for disinfestation, then for trichomoniasis and coccidiosis, with a 10-day break between them. Then I start treatment for 11 days for salmonellosis, I use ParaStop. After that I start vaccinating them for paramyxovirus and salmonellosis. The disinfestation treatment is the most important forpigeons, normally it is made at 3 months, I do it somewhere every 4 months, both internal and external disinfestation. It is very important to keep them healthy, so they can fly. I make them disinfestation with Levoplix – a Romanian product.
Ioan Feștilă: “I do not use a salmonella vaccine, nor do I treat my pigeons in winter.
I treat them only during the season and I use the whole program from Travipharma. This program is made by Gerard Schalkwijk, and the products are Dutch. I have kept them on these treatments for at least four years. In winter, for example, I use a natural treatment with Lugol and Forte Vita for trichomoniasis and coccidiosis. Then I’ll make them Knoflook, which is made of onion and garlic. I especially use food, according to my criteria, quality, endurance, performance. We have been doing the food mix for two years and we sell it.
I do not advise pigeon breeders to give many medicines to birds in the winter. For a bird with the weight of 200g, 20-30 medicines is far too much.
Claudiu Roman: “In the winter, before I vaccinate my pigeons, I use a disinfestation and trichomoniasis protection, then I vaccinate them against paramyxovirus. Last time I used products from Tollysan. In the competition season, I also use products from Tollysan, I treat them against trichomoniasis and respiratory tract problems. Every three weeks I repeat their treatment. The food is from big bags. Now, for example, I’m using Verselle-Laga, Champion Plus. But I have also used Polish food for the last two years. Either one is good for my pigeons.

Marathon pigeons are distinguished by their genetic qualities, we could say they are being gifted with spectacular DNA.
However, as humans are, several elements are essential for good health and extraordinary results.
In terms of pigeon health, the most important aspect is hygiene. Particular attention is paid to cleaning, it is the first mandatory criteria to be respected, first of all to prevent the appearance and development of the various possible diseases in the pigeons, but also for the treatment phases of the diseases encountered among them.
We list below the main diseases faced by pigeon breeders:
Salmonellosis is a contagious disease, with a high risk of spread among pigeons. The danger of spreading this bacterial infectious disease is more common in the cold, autumn-winter season. This is why the salmonella vaccine is included in the vaccination plans required for pigeons.
Pigeon Paramyxovirus is an acute viral infection, commonly found in pigeon farms, which can spread very easily. A mandatory vaccine is given annually against this virus.
Trichomoniasis (also known as Canker), the most common disease in pigeons, occurs especially during the breeding season. In treating the disease, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian who prescribes a medication that is correctly adapted to the severity of the disease, which will help to enforce the pigeon’s immune system.
Respiratory infections often occur in marathon pigeons, which is why keeping the respiratory airways clean is extremely important.
Not in the form of treatment plan, but very important for the success of a marathon pigeon is its nutrition. In addition to corn, millet, wheat, even barley, recognized for the role of gut health after exercise, pigeons need a higher content of proteins and vitamins.
Therefore, in the competitive season, both the food from Beyers and the one from Versele-Laga are preferred, these having the role of replacing the necessary vitamins, phosphorus, calcium in the body, in balanced doses, to increase the performance of the pigeons.
Because there are many products on the market, but also different ways to maintain the health of marathon pigeons, we asked for recommendations even from breeders, and received some treatment schemes that experienced breeders use in their farms:
Ionel Dobre: “For Salmonella, I use Salmo PT from Pharma van der Sluis. For paramyxovirus, I do not use the same vaccine year after year, but I alternate them. I use: Columbi 2, CheVita and Newcavac, and alternate them, each year I use a different one. For the respiratory system and trichomoniasis, I have three treatment schemes that I change from year to year – Ornispecially from Weerd’s Belgium for airways, combined with Spatrix administered for trichomoniasis, then at the next step I replace with Tollisan TKK for trichomoniasis and Broncho Sprint for the airways. ”
Another treatment combination recommended by Ionel Dobre is Trichomonas Cure and Ornithosis Cure for the respiratory system.
“For recovery, I use Med. Tollyamin. It has the role of compensating for the loss of muscle mass and weight in a very fast rhyme. ”The treatment can be used in periods of growth, but also of mating, with extraordinary results. Also for the recovery period, Dobre brothers use product combinations from BelgaVet, and the product mix makes it their own, combining several products with high content of electrolytes, amino acids, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, taken separately and combined for optimal results. The products they use are: Biceptorax BVP 200 gr – pure amino acids, Vita-Peka BVP 1l – complex of many vitamins for a quality plumage, silky, Pro-Biolec BVP 200 gr – especially for intestinal flora.
An antibiotic substitute, Energy Drink BVP 1l – with a high concentration of sugars, it is a very good recovery after racing, Electroliten BVP 400 g – eliminates toxins from the body and helps to rebuild the minerals consumed during the competition stages and Minerals BVP 500ml – used especially for young pigeons also during the mating period. “The recovery treatment becomes more expensive if you buy them separately, but the results are also good,” says Ionel Dobre.
George Vochin: “I take all the pigeons for analysis in the Netherlands, two or even three times a year, and an analysis costs about 25 euros. The only ones you should take are breathing analysis, but I do all the tests regulary. And I take them to the Netherlands because I trust and I am satisfied with their services. I’m sending my pigeons to two doctors, Tollisan and Giantel. Nowadays it is very difficult to have good results, you invest a lot in the pigeons, it is hard to stay up in the top. And with pigeons, it’s just like at the humans, cancers and all kinds of diseases have appeared, and with food it’s the same.”
This way, George Vochin protects their health and ensures that the pigeons are clinically healthy and able to maximize their yield at the next competitive season.
Gheorghe Preda: “I take test, every year, the salmonella, paramyxovirose, smallpox vaccine also for yaoung and mature pigeons, I make them those vaccines during the spring, and for the young pigeons, after giving them the salmonella vaccine three times. , I stop taking that vaccine again.
For recovery, only when they come from the competition I use electrolytes, on the first and second day.
Florin Vartolomei: “I use Tollisan. Three weeks before the first baseline stage, I give my pigeons Tollisan’s Broncho Sprint for respiratory health along with the Tollyamin vitamins (5 days before the first stage). After the first stage, I give them all for 3 days, Broncho Sprint and vitamins. For the next step I give them TKK from Tollisan for trichomoniasis together with the same vitamins from Tollyamin, preventively, also 3 days. The winter treatments begin on December 1st, the first one is for disinfestation, then for trichomoniasis and coccidiosis, with a 10-day break between them. Then I start treatment for 11 days for salmonellosis, I use ParaStop. After that I start vaccinating them for paramyxovirus and salmonellosis. The disinfestation treatment is the most important forpigeons, normally it is made at 3 months, I do it somewhere every 4 months, both internal and external disinfestation. It is very important to keep them healthy, so they can fly. I make them disinfestation with Levoplix – a Romanian product.
Ioan Feștilă: “I do not use a salmonella vaccine, nor do I treat my pigeons in winter.
I treat them only during the season and I use the whole program from Travipharma. This program is made by Gerard Schalkwijk, and the products are Dutch. I have kept them on these treatments for at least four years. In winter, for example, I use a natural treatment with Lugol and Forte Vita for trichomoniasis and coccidiosis. Then I’ll make them Knoflook, which is made of onion and garlic. I especially use food, according to my criteria, quality, endurance, performance. We have been doing the food mix for two years and we sell it.
I do not advise pigeon breeders to give many medicines to birds in the winter. For a bird with the weight of 200g, 20-30 medicines is far too much.
Claudiu Roman: “In the winter, before I vaccinate my pigeons, I use a disinfestation and trichomoniasis protection, then I vaccinate them against paramyxovirus. Last time I used products from Tollysan. In the competition season, I also use products from Tollysan, I treat them against trichomoniasis and respiratory tract problems. Every three weeks I repeat their treatment. The food is from big bags. Now, for example, I’m using Verselle-Laga, Champion Plus. But I have also used Polish food for the last two years. Either one is good for my pigeons.
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© Marathon Pigeon – www.marathonpigeons.com – 2018 – 2020